What does Ameri-Mech Heating and Cooling offer me that is different than any other Denver Heating and Air Conditioning Company?
A. We offer personal and detailed experiences. We are meticulous in our measurements and design when improving your indoor air quality needs.
Should I be concerned about Indoor Air Quality?
A. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your exposure to air pollutants can be up to 100 times higher indoors than outdoors. People with allergies can greatly improve with a quality indoor air system.
What does A.F.E.U. stand for?
A. Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency – Minimum federal requirements are 80% AFUE.
Why is there a furnace price difference between a 80% efficient furnace and a 90%+ efficient furnace?
A. A 90 + furnace is a condensing furnace, meaning it will produce condensate (water) in the flu gas. This water is acidic and needs to be drained away. The main difference is that the 90% + unit only wastes 10% of the heat as flu gas. Meaning it costs less to heat your Denver area home with that high efficiency furnace.
Why should I replace my existing heating or cooling system?
A. Replacing your existing heating and cooling system can not only improve your indoor air quality but will also help save $100’s annually. Lowering your electric and public service bills drastically.
I see BTU mentioned with heating, what does that mean?
A. British Thermal Units – used to calculate the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a room by one degree.